Everyone Should Squat: Why Daily Squats Make You Feel Younger & More Athletic

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In this video, I discuss the amazing benefits that can come from squatting every day. A deep resting squat (also called a “primal squat”) is a natural position that humans evolved to perform regularly. The primal squat provides a great stretch while also keeping the core and glutes engaged (unlike sitting).

Many of us lack ankle and hip mobility, which causes us to move awkwardly. This increases our risk of knee or lower back injury, and prevents us from properly utilizing our full athletic performance when running or jumping.

Squatting daily can help to fix this, but only if you do it right and ease into it.

Once you reach that point, you can start adding high rep bodyweight squats for surprising leg gains, just like Mike Tyson! Then there are the countless variations of the bodyweight squat: like the sissy squat and pistol squat!