Spinal Structure and Alignment

A quick look at your first appointment with Dr. Betty Callen.

Subscribe now and experience the chiropractic difference of the Spine and Scoliosis Clinic and Chiropractic Biophysics.

Spine and Scoliosis Clinic
Dr. Betty Callen
1728 Iowa Street
Bellingham, WA 98229
(360) 305-3231



“My job, is to find out where your postural alignment is, or how your biomechanics are lining up in space. So then I can come up with a plan to move those ligaments nice and slow, back to a neutral position to unload the pressure off your nervous system. When you take the pressure off your nerves, you body then gets to talk, communicate, and heal much faster. Then you get to be out of pain, and do the things you enjoy in life. And your body gets to talk to your organ system much more efficiently.” ~ Dr. Betty

*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and vary from person to person