The Benefits of Cold Showers | Cold Therapy

For many people, a hot shower is a safe moment of relaxation, warming your body and comforting yourself. The last thing you want to do is turn that pleasure into a freezing and deadly cold shower. But, did you know that there is some interesting science behind the idea that cold showers might be beneficial…

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“Ninjutsu 1001 Nights” by Masaaki Hatsumi at modern ninja master

History of Amatsu Therapy Amatsu therapy is a blend of modern research and ancient Japanese natural movement-orientated ‘hands-on’ therapeutic techniques dating back over 2,000 years. The ‘feeling’ and principles taught today directly derive from Dr. Hatsumi and the ancient school of Hichi Buku Goshin Jutsu Ryu. This is a school of the breathing and…

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The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)

The Science of Earthing: Understanding the Benefits and Mechanisms The Science of Earthing: Understanding the Benefits and Mechanisms Earthing, also known as grounding, is a practice that involves direct physical contact with the Earth’s surface. This concept is based on the belief that connecting with the Earth’s electrical energy can have numerous health benefits. Over…

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