This knowledge will most definitely improve your well-being & the quality of your life! Please watch & share. Thank you. Sitting for long periods in your chair is detrimental to your well-being…Time to Start Primal Squatting.
Tight hips & tight low-back, changes the way you walk & move in general. Beyond that, loss of joint mobility is a slow & continual deteriorating process. Even if your lack of mobility doesn’t bother you now, it most certainly will down the road when the problem compounds after years of neglect.
The only way you’re going to build the joint mobility needed to squat comfortably is by squatting every day. If preventative maintenance is what will motivate you to start fully using your joints today, great. But I promise you, you’ll be impressed with how much better your body can feel with improved range-of-motion & the solution to this is squatting. Primal squatting.