Save your Life – Practice Primal Movements Every Day!

Primal Movements are immensely important to free movement of the human body, especially as you age. If you don’t know what the primal movements are, and practice them regularly, then you could be at risk of becoming frail as you age. What is frailty? Being frail means that because of diminished strength, agility, balance and mobility – you are a risk to yourself. An example of this is a person who falls down and cannot get back up again on their own. Or a person who trips because they are no longer sure on their feet. You may thing that because you are not a senior, that these rules don’t apply to you, but they absolutely do. The way you train your body today is the foundation of the house that will be your later years. Ignore the foundation, and the house will fall down. That’s why this video is important. And by the way, not everyone becomes frail as they age – if you keep your body in good shape, you will be agile, mobile and fit late into life!