Spinal Mobility/Stability and Primal Core – Joint Mobility Restoration Online Class – April 28, 2020

In this Joint Mobility Restoration Class, we explored relationships between hip mobility and the mobile/stable architecture of the primal spine.

Here is a list of the movement flow.

Deep Squat Assessment

V-sit explore
Shin Box Hip Internal/External MOB
Shin box Explore

Wrist MOB
Foot MOB
Child’s pose

Baby Rolls

Shin box flow
Shin box rolls

Post Deep Squat Assessment
I teach a Joint Mobility Restoration online class every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am CST.

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Other offerings:

Online Mobility Restoration Class on Zoom
Every Tuesday & Thursday at 9am CST

Six Week Mobility Restoration Online Mentorship

Intro to Mobility Restoration online class playlist
Recording of Online Mobility Restoration Class on Zoom

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