Fascia: The Often Overlooked Tissue that Shapes Our Health – Dr. Eric Gordon & Deanna Hansen

Dr. Eric Gordon had a really fun and interesting conversation with Deanna Hansen, a pioneer in the field fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation. She has more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience and has created Block Therapy™ a fascia-release protocol, which supports healing chronic pain and disease, encourages healthy detoxification and reversal…

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Tai Chi Movements for Balance and Alignment

Certified Tai Chi Instructor Alma Weinberg shows you how to do basic tai chi movements for balance, alignment, and inner strength. If you’d like more information or would like to sign up for Alma’s online tai chi class, please visit https://bit.ly/375g0cM and scroll to “Moving for Strength & Stability (Online Exercise Class)” to register.

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