The Body Is A Dynamic And Integrated Fascia System

The Body Is A Dynamic And Integrated Fascia System

“Fascia is a newly understood tissue, and scientists are now beginning to grasp its role in our bodies.’ Alignment, function, and movement. Connective tissue surrounds and supports muscles, bones, organs, and other body structures. Comprising a complex network of collagen fibres, fascia provides stability, flexibility, and protection to the body, which is crucial to maintaining…

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Is FASCIA the KEY to fixing musculoskeletal problems?

Understanding Fascia – Flexibility, Power & Pain

Imagine this is one of your muscles and then imagine this plastic wrap is fascia. Fascia  wraps around but also through your muscles and it gives them shape and form. It allows for sliding  surfaces between tissues it’s also an amazing sensory organ. The first time I heard about fascia  was years ago. I had a hamstring injury and I went to…

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