What is Amatsu

The Benefits of Floating Bones for Overall Wellbeing

Welcome to our latest blog post which is specifically designed for life coaches, personal trainers, nutrition and wellness coaches, and yoga teachers. We understand that as a wellness professional, you are always looking for ways to improve your clients’ lives and help them achieve their goals.

That’s why we have put together this post to provide you with valuable insights and tips to help you enhance your coaching skills, expand your knowledge, and ultimately, take your clients to the next level. So, whether you are just starting out in your career or you are a seasoned pro, this post is for you. Keep reading to discover how you can become a better coach and help your clients lead happier, healthier lives.

Amata therapy combines ancient Japanese principles that were taught to me by Professor Dr Hatsumi with modern underpinnings of the sciences of tensegrities. It produces a model that is low-impact and non-invasive to the body, aligning the whole body to become more bipedally or uprightly efficient, which then brings about poise and wellness in the body. One of the things that you will notice about our approach and motto is that it covers all of the systems in the body in one periodic session. So at our basic animal level, we remain push-pull squeezing tissue and working with meridian muscles and the nervous system.

Slowly Freeing up nodules and muscular indiscretions in the body from strain As we progress into the sate eye model, we then focus much more on the ligaments, which have a different kind of talk: awareness of coordination around joints, which is more protective. We find that we can actually influence joints and muscular problems much more from the CSI model. Then we move into Shinden, which looks at all the organs and the suspensory apparatus that holds those organs in place. Those organs move as we breathe. Our lungs are bigger than when they’re empty and our stomach fills up with food.

We allow the liver to move just to allow the lungs to open. We open up the pericardial space for the heart to beat. We have intestines that are constantly in mobility and motility, and the movement of all of these ologies is known as tear go At the Shinden level, which is felt we’re feeling down to move any restrictions in organs that can be the precursor to disease. We’re not working with disease patterns. What we’re doing is maintaining the body so that these disease patterns can be helped or the body can be helped to overcome them.

And then, of course, the final level is what we call Kenko. This involves using the training of born motion, sacrum motion and cranial sacral motion to free any problems in the peripheral nerves and nerve distribution. This works directly with the brain meninges flotation of the brain and cranial sacral system. Skilled practitioners, schooled in all of these levels, identify problems and trace them through the pattern of the body which may be muscular or related to lifestyle and visual patterns. These problems could be isolated or caused by repetitive strains.

If it was from one trauma such as whiplash, which entrains the whole body, then we can slowly unwind these factors from the body and bring it back to a state of well-being,

What is Amatsu

The different levels of Amatsu Orthopathic Therapy work with different systems of the body to achieve and maintain Alignment and Wellbeing.

  • Anma – Restores balance and natural movement to the musculoskeletal system and flow of energy meridians of the body.
  • Seitai – Re-Balances the ligamentous system for joint stability and whole body Alignment.
  • Shinden – Restores natural mobility to the Organs/Visceral of the body.
  • Kenku – Regain natural rhythm and flow of the Cranio-Sacral system and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for whole body wellness.
The science of Bio-tensegrity shows us how the Body moves as one whole unit. When one part is affected through strain or injury the whole body is compromised. By learning to treat the whole body and all of its systems together we can restore and maintain structural alignment and well-being.

Whole Body Alignment

Unlike many other therapies which focus their treatment on the symptoms, our unique low level invasive approach assesses the alignment of the whole body, finding the underlying structural faults which give rise to the symptoms of many painful disorders, and re-occurrence of injury….
What is Amatsu

Restore your true Nature

During a therapy, known as a ‘Balance’ these techniques are applied to the body to help to restore and maintain alignment of the whole body, help maintain organ wellness, prevent against joint wear and tear and many other injuries, restore the flow of the vital energy centers of the body, and give a person back their Natural movement capabilities….
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