Top 5 Latest Psychological Researches, 2022| Evidence based Findings| Psychology & MORE

Checkout the top 5 researches of 2022 in the field of psychology. The references to the studies in APA format are as follows:

University of Basel. (2022, June 9). ‘Good’ bacteria to tackle depression. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 13, 2022 from

University of California – Irvine. (2022, June 2). Parents’ unpredictable behavior may impair optimal brain circuit formation: Disrupted development increases vulnerability to mental illness, substance abuse. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 13, 2022 from

Children’s National Hospital. (2022, April 29). Stress, anxiety and depression during pregnancy may hinder toddler’s cognitive development. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 14, 2022 from

American College of Cardiology. (2022, March 24). Exercise holds even more heart health benefits for people with stress-related conditions: Study underscores the brain’s role in deriving cardiovascular benefits from physical activity. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 14, 2022 from

University of California – San Diego. (2022, July 8). Mindfulness meditation reduces pain by separating it from the self: UC San Diego study reveals neural circuitry supporting mindfulness-induced pain relief. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 14, 2022 from

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