Seven Primal Movements Workout | Functional Training

The seven primal movements workout is the foundation of functional training.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that most of us are not functional. The vast majority of us find it difficult to move around in our environment, suffer from bad backs and knee pain and are not all that strong. We can improve on that by exercising in the manner that mimics life.

The seven primal movements workout revolves around are squatting, lunging, bending, pushing, pulling, gait and twisting

By training the 7 Primal movements, you are able to strengthen yourself through all the regular movements that you might face in daily life and you’re able to prevent injury in all of them.

If you introduce additional isolation exercise on top of this just to “hone” a particular muscle group that seems to be lagging, then you’ll be able to improve your aesthetics without worrying about creating imbalances and potentially encouraging an injury

The body responds to us training our muscles by producing a variety of hormones called anabolic hormones. These include growth hormone and testosterone, which in turn tell the body to start burning fat and building muscle tissue. The more muscle you use, the more of these hormones get released.

And finally we have those who are suffering with joint pains and mobility issues. Perhaps you are elderly, perhaps you’re recovering from some kind of injury. Either way, you find it difficult to get around and you are thinking that maybe you shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights.

Well you probably don’t need to be lifting really heavy weights but there’s nothing wrong with taking some lighter ones and still training those compound movements.

Some moves to get you started.
Squatting – squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings.
Lunging – lunges, side squats.
Bending – deadlifts, sit ups, leg raises.
Pushing – bench press, overhead press, push up.
Pulling – pull up, row.
Gait – jogging, running, walking.
Twisting – heavy bag, twisting sit ups, cable woodchop.

Here is the full list of videos in this series::

1:What is Functional Strength?
2:The 7 Primal Movements
3:Relax Into Stretch and Foam Rolling
4:Functional Strength Training Tools: Kettlebells, Indian Clubs and More
5:Bodyweight Training for Strength to Weight Ratio
6:Grip Strength and Overcoming Isometrics
7:HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training
8:Video 8: Is There Any Place Left for Resistance Machines?
9:Crossfit: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
10:Diet for Functional Strength

And here is a list of equipment, some mentioned in these videos, that can help you with your functional training efforts:
Skipping rope
Rubber bands
Yoga mattress ;
Foam roller
Pull Up bar ;
Dumbbells ASIN : ;
Step up box ;
TRX set
Medicine ball
Indian Clubs
Hand grips
Power twister
Wrist support band wraps
Rowing machine
Assault air bike
True form runner
Functional training shoes ;
Vibram 5 trainers for men
Vibram 5 trainers for women

So that was all about the seven primal movements workout. We know you may just be starting out on your fitness journey. So do check out the rest of this video series on functional training.

Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on the Natural Health & Healing channel are provided for educational and general purposes only. They do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter nor in any way. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider 1) prior to starting any new diet, treatment, or exercise regimen; and 2) with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or think you might have a medical problem, contact your health care provider immediately.

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