How To Self Correct (FIX) a High Hip (Uneven Pelvis)

How to self correct a high hip (uneven hips) | Dr. Jon Saunders | Newmarket Chiropractor

In this video, Dr. Jon Saunders will show you how to stretch, exercise, and self correct a high hip or uneven pelvis without needing any special equipment at home! An uneven pelvis is common and could be a source of pain from the ankle to the neck and everything in between.

This video will show you first how to determine which hip is high. Then Dr. Jon Saunders will walk you through hip leveling routine in less than 2 minutes to get your hips aligned. The last part will show you a self pelvis reset where you might even get a POP or CRACK to release your SI joint or pubis symphysis for immediate pain relief.

At the very least the video will show you how you can hold your adjustments longer between your in-office treatments.
0:00 Introduction
0:41 Why Fix a High Hip?
1:06 How to Determine Your High Hip Side
2:44 High Hip Stretch
3:21 Leg Lift Exercise
5:23 Low Side (Side) Plank
5:58 Self Correct Pelvis / Pelvis Adjustment (Chiropractic at Home)

#highhip #unevenhips #pelvisimbalance

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AS ALWAYS, PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR PRIMARY HEALTH CARE PROVIDER TO DETERMINE IF THE CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO ARE APPROPRIATE FOR YOU SPECIFICALLY. Some or all of these stretches/exercises/movements may be contraindicated if you have certain underlying spinal conditions such as spinal degeneration, spinal stenosis, disc bulge/herniation, instabilities, and other undiagnosed spinal problems.

Any questions about the content or whether it is appropriate for you? Please leave them in the comments section below.

How to Decmpress Your Lower Back at Home:–NYJdE&t=4s

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Dr. Jon Saunders, B.Kin., D.C.
Chiropractic on Eagle
Newmarket, ON L3Y1K5
Tel: 905.953.1028

Clinic Hours:

Monday 730 AM to 630 PM
Tuesday 730 AM to 530 PM
Wednesday 230 PM to 630 PM
Thursday 730 AM to 530 PM

Click here for directions:,-79.461954,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x882ad21ef20886b9:0xcae450921ab1880b!8m2!3d44.0496386!4d-79.4597653

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The information provided is strictly for educational/information purposes ONLY. The information provided on this channel, all videos, and all comments and replies to comments/questions is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute medical, chiropractic, health or other advice of any kind or nature. No professional relationship exists or existed by viewing / interacting with the content on this channel. The viewer or recipient of information on this channel / videos / replies to comments should consult a physician and / or their primary health care provider in matters relating to their health. This channel / videos / replies to comments does not contain all information available regarding the subjects addressed in this channel / videos / replies to comments and it may be outdated. This channel / videos / replies to comments has not been created to be specific to any individual’s needs. The creator/owner of this channel has no liability or responsibility whatsoever to any person or entity regarding any matter related to this channel / videos / replies to comments and / or its contents.

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