How Exercise Helps Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks/Psychological Benefits Of Excercise (Video 7)

Exercise significantly reduces anxiety. It helps rewire the anxious brain. Exercise releases neurotrophin, endocannabinoids etc which reduce anxiety. Walking significantly reduces anxiety. There is a link between exercise and mental health. Exercise cured my anxiety. Let’s explore the best time for exercise and the psychological benefits of exercise.


Anxiety Disorders can be cured. You can find relief from Anxiety Attacks.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is 99% curable. I’m living testimony to the fact. I was diagnosed with GAD at 19 – it was so severe that I became totally dysfunctional. The Mental Health Professionals I consulted charged hefty fees, but weren’t able to help me.

Therefore, I helped myself. I took numerous courses on Mental Health and Neuroplasticity, read thousands of books and came up with a few strategies and techniques of my own to cure myself. Investing time on learning helped me recover and give my best in my field – writing. Today I am a successful author, editor and ghostwriter. And a happy person with a small, but intimate friends circle.

I want you to feel the same joy again. Therefore, I created this channel to share knowledge, techniques and strategies that helped me recover from GAD. By understanding anxiety and consistently applying strategies and techniques, I believe you too can recover. Or at the very least, witness a significant reduction of your symptoms.

After I have given tips to reduce/recover from GAD, I shall go a step further and teach you how to optimise your brain function.

This channel is no substitute for professional advice, but only a supplement. It also makes information available to those who can’t afford expensive Mental Health treatment.

Lastly, please excuse my poor public speaking skills and questionable video quality. I write original material, but am unable to speak without prompts. I’ve just started trying my hand at video editing.

My intention is to make help available quickly, hence I have prioritised content over video quality.

Since I don’t want random remarks, I have disabled the comments section. However, you may feel free to reach out to me at:

Please find below link to my other videos:

#exercisecuredmyanxiety #exercisereducesanxiety #doesexercisehelpanxietyandpanicattacks