Category: Well-Being
Wellbeing is about people and creating the conditions for us all to thrive. It’s quality of life and prosperity, positive physical and mental health, sustainable thriving communities. Wellbeing is a measure of social progress and, arguably, the goal of good government and charitable activity.
Primal Pictures – A lot has happened in the last year…
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Weak legs = weak minds #fitness #crossfit #weightlifting #gym
Lec-7 Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Algorithm Primal-Dual Algorithm
Lecture series on Advanced Operations Research by Prof. G.Srinivasan, Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit
Fitness : Crossfit
Sculptez-vous un corps de dingue grâce au crossfit ! Très en vogue et adoubée par les mannequins et les stars, cette routine sportive est accessible à tous. L’entrainement en crossfit parait extrêmement intense et difficile, pourtant pas tant que ça ! Karine Hellebuyck, coach sportif et bien-être ( vous dévoile tous les secrets pour vous…
Primal Elements Program (P.E.P.) Climbing workout
The Primal Elements Program aims to develop all round fitness by focusing on the combination of natural movement and traditional Japanese 5 elements philosophy. The program is split into 18 different schools which can be studied in isolation or as one continuing flow of movement. The schools encompass: Walking Throwing Running Fighting Lifting Balancing Carrying…
Primal Move n’ Flow – Class 1
This is a short intriductory workout that will get your body moving and open up your hips, shoulders & wrists in a fun and challenging way. If you want more of this then why not sign up to become A Wholesome Mover. This is an educational Movement Membership that includes weekly sessions in mobility, primal…