Blogging Tips Two Do

Blogging tips two copy http://blogger.Phillipskinner.Com/ Your blogging lessons success is your responsibility. I know most of us have heard of those instant blogs or sales letter hypes that says you can blog your way to the bank within a few days, but one must realize that blogging tips two do hype is nothing but hype….

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Taming Your Brain through Mindfulness It a No-Brainer Video.

Taming Your Brain through Mindfulness It a No-Brainer Video.

I believe in the power of mindfulness to improve physical and mental health, and plenty of research documenting its benefits, including decreasing stress, anxiety, depression, blood pressure, and physical pain while boosting the immune system. So, practising mindfulness is a no-brainer that I teach my clients. Mindfulness is the ability to intentionally and nonjudgmentally be…

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Why Reading (Books) Makes Us Better at Speaking #shorts

As we read, the muscles that generate speech engage. The same phenomenon does not occur when we hear or listen to sentences. In other words, reading is a form of speech practice. Full episode: Show notes: Social & Website Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: TikTok: LinkedIn: Website: Newsletter:…

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How to Lose Fat with Science-Based Tools

This episode I describe the science of fat loss, including how fat is mobilized and oxidized (burned) and how to increase fat burning by leveraging the nervous system. Most people don’t realize it, but our neurons connect to our fat and release epinephrine/adrenaline to facilitate fat oxidation. I explain how this can be accomplished with…

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