12 Harsh Truths You Need To Accept To Live a Happy Life

Harsh Truths: You’re Not That Important Brainy Dose Presents: 12 Harsh Truths You Need to Accept to Live a Happy Life We all want a happy and fulfilling life.But few people actually attain it.It’s unrealistic to keep doing the same old thing and expect circumstances to change.Unfortunately, that’s not how life works.Whether it be due…

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The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder – Joelle Rabow Maletis

How the Brain Processes Danger and Helps Us Cope Many of us will experience some kind of trauma during our lifetime.Sometimes, we escape with no long-term effects.But for millions of us, those experiences linger, causing symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and negative thoughts that interfere with everyday life.This phenomenon, called post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, isn’t…

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Addressing Negative Thoughts | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Dawn Elise Snipes

CBT Principles: What You Need to Know Ceus are available at AllCEUs.com/CBT-CEU.This episode was pre-recorded as part of a live.Continuing education webinar On demand.Ceus are still available for this presentation through ALLCEUs ALLCEUs.om/CBT-CEU.I’D like to welcome everybody today to cognitive, behavioral therapy addressing negative thoughts.Now a lot of us took courses and cognitive behavioral therapy.We’Ve…

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Affirmations Of A Clean and Orderly Home

Decluttering: The Magic of Taking Care of Yourself I know that peace starts with my willingness to accept peace in my life. I know that help starts with my willingness to accept health into my life I know that happiness starts with my willingness to accept happiness into my life. I accept this all with…

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6 Common Mistakes We Make While Drinking Water

Six mistakes you can make drinking water Today, we’re going to talk about the six mistakes that you could make drinking water.So, let’s start with the first one drinking too much water.Now is this possible?Yes, it is especially when you force yourself to drink all this water, especially without the electrolytes that help you deal…

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Speed Up Digestion

How to Speed Up Your Digestion with More Acid I’M gon na talk about how to speed up your digestion.This video is not just for people that have constipation it’s for people that have indigestion gas, bloating, stomach pain, anything that could be an incomplete cycle of digestion.So what we want to do is we…

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Your Digestive System Explained (in Simple Terms)

The stomach’s role in acidity Hey guys, dr.Berg here in this video, I want todiscuss, probably one of the most important bodysystems, that you have it’s the digestive systemok.So you have 33 feet of intestines and that’s alike.You can mention a water hose in your backyardit’s, a very long hose and it’s all wrapped aroundand…

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Dynamic Stretching Warm Up Routine

Dynamic stretches to warm up before workouts hey everybody it’s doctor jo and partied out bear, and today i’m going to show you some of my dynamic stretches for a warm up.so let’s get started.so before we get started, if you haven’t already, make sure and click on the subscribe button down there.it helps my…

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