The 9 Primal Movements – The BODY Movement Episode 10 (Part 1)

The human body was meant to move in a specific manner; to carry out specific tasks; to be on the move constantly throughout a 24-hour cycle. Today, we are a specialized society; we are not physically challenged on a daily basis. We get to pick our activities… if we pick any at all.

Ask someone if they workout and they’ll say: “Yes I’m a runner”. Or “I play pickup basketball 2x/week”. Or “I lift weights” or “I do Yoga”.

ALL activity is good. It is all healthy. However, we need to remember our body was built and designed to do several key movements throughout the day. From carrying groceries, to getting down and up off the toilet, the sofa. Picking up our children and grandchildren. Mowing the lawn. Running to catch the subway. Climbing stairs.

If you do not perform, on a regular basis, all of the 6 primal “macro” movements, you reduce your chances of being “prepared” to carry out the task at hand. Which means you increase your odds off unexpected injury. We then blame the injury on “something”. When in reality… we were not prepared and did not EARN the right to perform the activity.

In episode 10, Dr. Alison covers the 6 basic primal movements we all need to train throughout a given week. Even the most elite athletes may overlook certain movements that may not be required within their sport. But then are susceptible to injury when performing everyday activities.

We will cover specific examples of how to train and program these movements into your routines but for now let’s get back to basics.

0:00 Intro to Primal Movement Concepts/Benefits
13:53 Walk
23:57 Squat
38:33 Lunge
46:29 Push
52:58 Pull
1:01:47 Carry
1:07:20 Recap
1:12:00 RIP DMX

#primalmovements #fitness #exercice #accountability #healthcare #wellness