Lack of exercise leads to anxiety | Physical exercise for mental health #shorts #optifast #exercise

A lack of exercise and physical activity can increase a person’s level of stress in two ways.
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Have you ever wondered if there’s a link between physical activity and mental well-being?

There is, and we can’t stress enough the importance of exercise for mental health and overall well-being.

Welcome to the official YouTube channel of OPTIFAST.
OPTIFAST is a scientifically designed low-calorie diet programme intended to help support weight loss. All our products are suitable as a replacement for individual meals.
There are many benefits to being physically active, and one of them is improved mood and mental health. And although its mechanisms are not entirely understood, numerous studies have shown the positive impact that exercise can have on our mental state and well-being. That’s why in today’s video, we’re going to take a look at how lack of physical activity and being sedentary effects your mood and mental health.

1. Depression
Did you know that lack of exercise doubles your risk for depression?

In other words, exercise is not only important for improving mood but also for preventing depression.
Exercise releases endorphins, the chemicals that improve mood and relieve pain. Plus, when we exercise, levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor increase, a protein that helps to protect and repair brain cells.
Exercise also helps to reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and increase energy levels, all contributing to preventing the development of depression.

2. Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety, symptoms tend to be worse when you’re not getting enough exercise and activity. In fact, exercise, in general, is recommended as a viable treatment for anxiety disorders. This is because endorphins help to relieve tension, boost energy, and improve our overall well-being.

Also, exercise can help improve sleep quality which can impact anxiety levels. So, if you’re struggling with poor sleep and lack of exercise, you’re missing out on the safest and cheapest anti-anxiety treatment there is!
To find out more about how physical activity improves health, check out our video in the car above or the description below!

3. Dementia

There is growing evidence to suggest that exercise can help to reduce the risk of cognitive decline leading to dementia.
Research shows that adults who get regular exercise have a 20% to 30% lower risk of cognitive impairment and dementia than those who don’t– plus, exercise can improve mental clarity and attention span.
A full-on gym workout isn’t necessary; dancing is just as effective at protecting against dementia!

4. Self-Image

It’s no secret that a lack of exercise affects our health.
But what you may not know is that exercise can also have a profound impact on your self-esteem. When we’re sedentary, we may gain weight, become lethargic and less vibrant, and probably feel incredibly self-conscious about it.

When you make the commitment to a regular fitness routine, you’re sending yourself the message that you’re worth the effort.
As you start to see results – whether it’s increased muscle tone, weight loss, or simply improved stamina – your self-confidence will begin to soar.
We suggest you check out Optifast’s diet plans and choose the one that’s recommended for your BMI through the link in the description – but don’t forget the importance of regular exercise!

5. Stress

When we exercise, our body reduces the levels of two stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, and releases mood-elevating chemicals like endorphins and serotonin. Therefore, exercise can help to alleviate stress and can also help to improve sleep quality, further reducing stress levels.
Physical activity and mindfulness go hand in hand in reducing stress. Deep breathing and meditation are excellent additions to your daily routine.
Physical activity, mental health, and overall well-being are so clearly linked that we can’t deny how important it is not only for mental health but many aspects of our life.

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